Please follow the example below to write the the Sub Query on Laravel 5.2:
Will produce the below subquery:
Hope it helps!
// NOTE: Please do not forgot add below line at the top to use DB instance USE DB;
$result = static::select('id') ->where( 'id', '!=', $currentLevelId) ->where('level', '>', DB::raw("(SELECT level FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id='".$currentLevelId."')") ) ->orderBy('level')->first();
Will produce the below subquery:
SELECT * FROM `approval_levels` WHERE `id` != 2 AND `level` > (SELECT LEVEL FROM approval_levels WHERE id='2') ORDER BY `level` ASC LIMIT 1Another Example:
$data = DB::table("items") ->select("items.*","items_count.price_group","items_count.quantity") ->join(DB::raw("(SELECT, GROUP_CONCAT(items_count.price) as price_group, FROM items_count GROUP BY ) as items_count"),function($join){ $join->on("","=",""); }) ->groupBy("") ->get();
Hope it helps!
Nice tutorial sir.... thanks !