If you working for two projects (may be one for work specific and another personal project) and you would like to configure the Git Author/User credential different for both, I mean as a project specific rather than as a global one.
You may have configured or can set as global credential as:
Then, you all set for that.
Check Git for more
You may have configured or can set as global credential as:
# To check the git configuration git config -l # To set the global git configuration git config --global user.name "RC" git config --global user.email "rc@example.com"Now to change the credential for a project. First go the the project branch and check what's the credential it has and override with new credential using below command
# Go to the project folder first and make sure you already have git initiated. cd ~/apps/project_folder # To check the git configuration git config -l # To overwrite the name git config user.name "RC Pro" # To overwrite the email git config user.email "personal@example.com"
Then, you all set for that.
Check Git for more