Convert the date time to timestamp in Javascript. similar to strototime() function in php.
// Convert the date time to timestamp in Javascript. similar to strototime() function in php. function convert_datetime_to_timestamp(date) { var datetime = date.split(" "); date = datetime[0]; time = datetime[1]; d1 = date.split("-"); y = d1[0]; m = d1[1]; d = d1[2]; t1 = time.split(":"); h = t1[0]; i = t1[1]; s = t1[2]; //datetime = m + ' ' + d + ',' + y + ' ' + h + ':' + i + ':'+s; var date = new Date(y, m, d, h, i, s, '0'); (works both on FireFox and Chrome Browers). return date.getTime(); }// Compare the two datetime (dates) in Javascript.
/* This below function compares two dates with a gap time as 6 Hours. @param date1 = '2012-08-06 14:9:19' @param date2 = '2012-08-06 20:9:19' @return If errors found, return errors else null (if no errors) found. */ function compare_two_dates(date1, date2) { var error = ''; if ( (date1 != "") || (date2 != "") ) { // Check the dates time here; var minutes=1000*60; var hours=minutes*60; var days=hours*24; var years=days*365; now = new Date(); current_time= now.getTime(); // Check the dates time here; start_time= convert_datetime_to_timestamp(date1); expiry_time= convert_datetime_to_timestamp(date2); gap_hr = 6; // Minimum Gap between two dates is set as 6 Hrs. gap_time= gap_hr*hours; diff_time= expiry_time - start_time; diff_mm= (diff_time)/minutes; diff_hr= Math.round(diff_time/hours); if ( (current_time >= start_time) && (current_time >= expiry_time)) error = 'Date Available AND/OR Expiry time should be greater than current time.'; else if ( (diff_time == 0) || (gap_time > diff_time) ) error = 'Date Expires should be at least ' + gap_hr + ' hours greater than Date Available time.'; //error = error + ' NowT: '+current_time+' DS: ' + start_time + ' DE: '+ expiry_time+' Diff: ' +diff_time+ ' DMM: ' + diff_mm+ ' DHR: '+diff_hr+' TG: '+gap_time; } else { error = 'Enter both dates'; } return error; }For more information about dates, please, check: JavaScript Date Object, JavaScript setDate() Method
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