Friday, 20 July 2012

Resize the image in various sizes using PHP

This is the mail resizing image function which actually resized the image based on provided parameter.
 * This will resize the image into specific image sizes.
 * @param array $data:  'old_image_path' = full path of the old image which to be reszied;
 *  'new_image_path' = full path the new image to be created;
 *  'width' = New Width of the image;
 *  'height' = New Height of the image;
 *  (just for orignal) 'copy_original' = set 'true' if you like to just copy original image and you don't need to provide above 'width' and 'height', otherwise just ignore this.;
 * @return void;
private function resizing_image($data)
 // Set copy_original=true, if you like to create original image.
 $create_original = isset($data['copy_original']) && ($data['copy_original']) ? true : false;
 //Set target path
 $target_path = $data['new_image_path'];
 //Get the width and height of upload image
 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($data['old_image_path']);
 if ($create_original) 
  $bigwidth = $width;
  $bigheight = $height;
  $n_wight = $data['width'];
  $n_height = $data['height'];
  if ($width > $n_wight) {
   //If the width is greater than our maximum width preference, use the maximum width
   $newwidth = $n_wight;
   //Set new ratios for width and height
   $newheight = ($newwidth/$width) * $height;
   $bigwidth = $newwidth;
   $bigheight = $newheight;
  } else {
   //If width is less than our maximum, use that value (so as not to pixelate the image)
   $bigwidth = $width;
   $bigheight = $height;
  if ($bigheight > $n_height) {
   //If the height is greater than our maximum height preference, use the maximum height
   $newheight = $n_height;
   //Set new ratios for width and height
   $newwidth = ($newheight/$bigheight) * $bigwidth;
   $bigwidth = $newwidth;
   $bigheight = $newheight;
 //Initiate image magick class
 $im = new Imagick();
 //Get image
 $im->readImage( $data['old_image_path'] );
 //Create thumbnail image
 $im->thumbnailImage( $bigwidth, $bigheight );
 //Write to file
 $im->writeImage( $target_path );
 echo '

Original Image Size: Width-'. $width. ' Height:-'.$height;
 echo '
New Image Size: Width-'. $bigwidth. ' Height:-'.$bigheight;
 echo '
 //Destroy temp

This function is to resize image in various sizes
// This function is to resize image in various sizes
private function resize_image($product_id, $old_image_path)
 define('PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE', "/home/admin/assets/products/");
 $new_path = PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE; //"";
 $product_id = 23;
 $old_image_path = '';
 //$old_image_path = '';
 /** Get File Extension. */
 $path_info = pathinfo($old_image_path);
 $ext = $path_info['extension'];
 // Create Thumbnail (max 40px by 40px)
 $new_image_path = $new_path.'t_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename ("";) 
 $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>40, 'height'=>40);
 // Create Standard (max 310px by 235px)
 $new_image_path = $new_path.'s_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename ("";)
 $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>310, 'height'=>235);
 // Large (max 500px by 500px)
 $new_image_path = $new_path.'l_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename ("";)
 $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>500, 'height'=>500);
 // For Copying Original Image.
 $new_image_path = $new_path.'orig_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename ("";)
 $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'copy_original'=>true);
 echo 'All sizes: 
- t_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Thumbnail (max 40px by 40px); 
- s_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Standard (max 310px by 235px); 
- l_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Large (max 500px by 500px); and 
- orig_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Copying Original Image, 
 are copied into '.PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE.' path.';

Call the above function to create different sizes image;
// Call the above function to create different sizes image;
$product_id = 18;
$old_image_path= '';
resize_image($product_id, $old_image_path);

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