This is the mail resizing image function which actually resized the image based on provided parameter.
This function is to resize image in various sizes
Call the above function to create different sizes image;
/** * This will resize the image into specific image sizes. * @param array $data: 'old_image_path' = full path of the old image which to be reszied; * 'new_image_path' = full path the new image to be created; * 'width' = New Width of the image; * 'height' = New Height of the image; * (just for orignal) 'copy_original' = set 'true' if you like to just copy original image and you don't need to provide above 'width' and 'height', otherwise just ignore this.; * * @return void; */ private function resizing_image($data) { // Set copy_original=true, if you like to create original image. $create_original = isset($data['copy_original']) && ($data['copy_original']) ? true : false; //Set target path $target_path = $data['new_image_path']; //Get the width and height of upload image list($width, $height) = getimagesize($data['old_image_path']); if ($create_original) { $bigwidth = $width; $bigheight = $height; } else { $n_wight = $data['width']; $n_height = $data['height']; if ($width > $n_wight) { //If the width is greater than our maximum width preference, use the maximum width $newwidth = $n_wight; //Set new ratios for width and height $newheight = ($newwidth/$width) * $height; $bigwidth = $newwidth; $bigheight = $newheight; } else { //If width is less than our maximum, use that value (so as not to pixelate the image) $bigwidth = $width; $bigheight = $height; } if ($bigheight > $n_height) { //If the height is greater than our maximum height preference, use the maximum height $newheight = $n_height; //Set new ratios for width and height $newwidth = ($newheight/$bigheight) * $bigwidth; $bigwidth = $newwidth; $bigheight = $newheight; } } //Initiate image magick class $im = new Imagick(); //Get image $im->readImage( $data['old_image_path'] ); //Create thumbnail image $im->thumbnailImage( $bigwidth, $bigheight ); //Write to file $im->writeImage( $target_path ); /* echo ' Original Image Size: Width-'. $width. ' Height:-'.$height; echo ' New Image Size: Width-'. $bigwidth. ' Height:-'.$bigheight; echo ' '.$target_path; */ //Destroy temp $im->destroy(); }
This function is to resize image in various sizes
// This function is to resize image in various sizes private function resize_image($product_id, $old_image_path) { define('PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE', "/home/admin/assets/products/"); $new_path = PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE; //""; $product_id = 23; $old_image_path = ''; //$old_image_path = ''; /** Get File Extension. */ $path_info = pathinfo($old_image_path); $ext = $path_info['extension']; // Create Thumbnail (max 40px by 40px) $new_image_path = $new_path.'t_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename (" ";) $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>40, 'height'=>40); $this->resizing_image($data); // Create Standard (max 310px by 235px) $new_image_path = $new_path.'s_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename (" ";) $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>310, 'height'=>235); $this->resizing_image($data); // Large (max 500px by 500px) $new_image_path = $new_path.'l_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename (" ";) $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'width'=>500, 'height'=>500); $this->resizing_image($data); // For Copying Original Image. $new_image_path = $new_path.'orig_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext; // building the new targeted file path including new filename (" ";) $data = array('old_image_path'=>$old_image_path, 'new_image_path'=>$new_image_path, 'copy_original'=>true); $this->resizing_image($data); echo 'All sizes: - t_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Thumbnail (max 40px by 40px); - s_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Standard (max 310px by 235px); - l_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Large (max 500px by 500px); and - orig_'.$product_id.'.'.$ext.' = Copying Original Image, are copied into '.PATH_RESIZED_PRODUCT_IMAGE.' path.'; die; }
Call the above function to create different sizes image;
// Call the above function to create different sizes image; $product_id = 18; $old_image_path= ''; resize_image($product_id, $old_image_path);
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