Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Python - To read file content & write into a file

from pathlib import Path

# Read file content
def read_file():
    test_file = "example/you_test_file.txt"

    contents = Path(test_file).read_text()

    print (contents) # print file content

    #debug(contents) # use can also use my custom debug method to see log in file

# To write message to file for debugging
def debug(message="", type="w+"):
	filePath = "test/debug.txt" # don't forgot to create a empty file

    with open(filePath, type) as f:
        f.write(str(message) + "\n\n")

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Simple bash stements to set values covering following two scenarios: 1. Set username/password variable if value passed on running the file 2. Or (step 1 doesn't pass values), set them on prompt arguments Create a file using the below content:

# set -o errexit -o nounset -o xtrace

echo "Initialising Username/Password: "

if test "${1+x}"; then # Set values from inline statement
else # Otherwise, set values from arguments
  read -p 'Username: ' username
  read -sp 'Password: ' password

echo 'Username: ' $username '| Password: ' $password
1. First scenario, passing the values whilst running the file
$ sh nepal.user Pokhara123
Username:  nepal.user | Password:  Pokhara123
2. Second scenario, passing the values on prompt arguments
$ sh 

$ sh
Initialising Username/Password:
Username: nepal.user
Password: Pokhara123
Username:  nepal.user | Password:  Pokhara123

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Build Dynamic Marshal_With in Flask (Python) based on conditions

To create a dynamic marshalling based on condition or parameter type, please follow the instruction below:

# Constants
    "condition_1": Condition1Schema,
    "condition_2": Condition2Schema,

# To build dynamic marshalling based on report type
def selective_marshal_with():
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            condition_type = kwargs.get("condition_type", None)

            # Get marshalled with dynamic schema by condition type
            marshal_with_func = marshal_with(MARSHELL_WITH_SCHEMAS.get(condition_type, None))(func)

            return marshal_with_func(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return decorator

# Actual class to connect view to URL
class MyViewClass(MethodResource, Resource):
    @doc(description="My View API", tags=["My View List"])
    @use_kwargs(MyQueryParams, location="query")
    @standard_api("My View List")
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        # you get code here....
The MyQueryParams can/should be in seperate schema file for e.g. rest/db/schema/

class MyQueryParams(Schema):
    """Query parameters for View List API."""

    condition_type = fields.Str(attribute="condition_type", required=True)

Hope it helps!