Thursday, 28 January 2016

Confirm Message when refresh or close or forward or backward the page via Javascript and AngularJs

To prevent accidental closing of page on the browser, you can set the Confirm Message when refresh or close or forward or backward the page via Javascript and AngularJs.

On Plain javascript, however you can also add the below code into AngularJs Controller
// Event Trigger when refreshing/Closing the page.
        var myEvent = window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener;
        var chkevent = window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; /// make IE7, IE8 compatable

        myEvent(chkevent, function(e) { // For >=IE7, Chrome, Firefox
            var confirmationMessage = 'Submission form not complete yet, Are you sure you want to leave this page?';  // a space
            (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage;
            return confirmationMessage;

On AngularJs State Changes, put the below code inside the particular controller.
// Event Trigger when clicking browser Back or Forward buttons
        $scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function( event ) {

Sample AlertService 
I have created the sample AlertService AngularJs Service to prompt the alert, Please add the below factory into your code.
app.factory('AlertService', ['$rootScope', '$mdDialog', '$mdMedia',
    function ($rootScope, $mdDialog, $mdMedia) {

        var AlertService = {};

        return {

            onBeforeUnloadAlert: function(aData) {

                var data = aData;

                // Event Trigger when refreshing/Closing the page.
                var myEvent = window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener;
                var chkevent = window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; /// make IE7, IE8 compatable

                myEvent(chkevent, function(e) { // For >=IE7, Chrome, Firefox
                    var confirmationMessage = data.msgContent; // or a space
                    (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage;
                    return confirmationMessage;

                // Event Trigger when clicking browser Back or Forward buttons
                $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(e) {

                    // Appending dialog to document.body to cover sidenav in docs app
                    // Modal dialogs should fully cover application
                    // to prevent interaction outside of dialog
                            //.ariaLabel('Alert Dialog Demo')



        return AlertService;

And, in Your_Angular_Controller, please add "AlertService" on the controller parameter and include the below function it on each controller,
        // Page/Stage changes alert
            msgTitle: 'Form Submission Alert',
            msgContent: 'The Submission form not complete, please continue to submit the form or you may lose the information.'

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Connect to PHP with Oracle database via configuring Oracle Instant Client for Linux and Windows

PS: Create the Databases on Oracle after installing the Oracle Express Database XE 11.2, then follow the below step to enable OCI to connect to PHP.

1. Open the php.ini and uncomment the below line.
extension=php_oci8_11g.dll ; Use with Oracle 11gR2 Instant Client

2. Download the php_oci8_11g.dll files from the link below based on your version, find the "Thread Safe (TS) x86" version.

Then, unzip the files and copy to the php/ext/ folder.

3. Next, download the "Instant Client Package - Basic" for Windows from the Oracle Instant Client page.
Because PHP is 32 bit, download the 32 bit version of Instant Client from here.

Package Name
Instant Client Package - Basic: All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications 
Download (51,477,933 bytes)

Once downloaded, unzip the Instant Client files to C:\instantclient_11_2

4. Then, edit the Windows PATH environment setting and add C:\instantclient_11_2.
For example, on Windows XP, follow Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables and edit PATH in the System Variables list.

Normally, you need to reboot Windows so the new environment is correctly set.

5. If does not work for some reason, please check the files path and location once again.

6. Also, if still does not work, you may try download this package "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)" and install it.
 (I am not sure when we would require to install it, try without it first as it may not require on your case).

Find more information for Linux and other stuff here...

Thursday, 7 January 2016

To preview the executing or last Query Log in Controllers or Models in Laravel 5

To view/preview the executing query or last executed Query Log in Laravel 5 (including Laravel 4.2, Laravel 5.0, Laravel 5.2), please add the below code and run it.
// This is the Sample Controller
class SampleController extends Controller
 public function sampleControllerFunction()
  $this->owner_id = 5;
  // Enable the Laravel Database Query Log
  // Run your Query here
  $item = SampleModel::where('owner_id', $this->owner_id)->first();
  SampleModel::where('owner_id', $owner_id)->forceDelete();

  // Fetch and Print the Last Database Query Log
  print_r( DB::getQueryLog() ); 

// This is the Sample Model
class SampleModel extends Model
     * The database table used by the model (mysql).
     * @var string
 protected $table = 'owner_list';

     * The attributes that are mass assignable..
     * @var string
    protected $fillable = ['id', 'owner_id'];
 public function getItemsList()
  // Enable the Laravel Database Query Log

  // Run your Query here
  $item = static::where('owner_id', $this->owner_id)->first();

  // Fetch and Print the Last Database Query Log
  print_r( DB::getQueryLog() ); 

Please comment me if you have any queries

Monday, 4 January 2016

Adding Foreign Key on the Existing Table in Laravel 5.2 using php artisan command

To add a foreign key to the existing Table in Laravel 5.2 using php artisan command

Please run the below command:

// user_id: This is the name of your column on this format
// property_list: This is the name of reference table (e.g. to table, not from table)

$ php artisan make:migration add_foreign_key_for_user_id_column_to_property_list_table --table=property_list

Find below the sample class of the foreign key migration table
class AddForeignKeyForUserIdColumnToPropertyListTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::table('property_list', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->foreign('user_id')->references('id')->on('users')->onUpdate('NO ACTION')->onDelete('NO ACTION');

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Schema::table('property_list', function (Blueprint $table) {