Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Xampp Apache and Visual Studio Port 80 conflict

If you already install Xampp Apache running into your PC and later install the Visual Studio 2015, then there will port conflicts. Normally, Visual Studio overtake the default IIS HTTP port 80 and use it.

However, if you want both to be working by running one at a time.
To do that,
Type Services.msc from the run command prompt > scroll down to World Wide Web Publishing service.
OR go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.msc > World Wide Web Publishing service.

Then, Right click  the Web Publishing and 'Stop' it, also, Go the same Properties and set a Startup type: 'Manual'.

Then, try to restart the apache. It should be working.

On the other hand, when you need to start the Visual Studio part of service, you can do same thing manually and later disable it.

Hope that helps;

Friday, 17 July 2015

Get the input array variable in Joomla 3+

In Joomla 3+ or Joomla 3.4, To get/filter the INPUT or POST variable whose value is in array, please use the below script to pull the values:

JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('cid', null, 'array');