Wednesday, 30 December 2015

To copy the local files to Remote Linux Server (Amazon EC2 Instance)

To copy the local files to Remote Linux Server (Amazon EC2 Instance) :

First, generate and dowmnload the ec2-instance-key-pair.pem file form AWS EC2 to your computer.
To do that follow the instruction here:

Then run the below command by locating the .pem file and name of file to copy and location of directory into and AWS server:

scp -i /c/KeyFolderPath/ec2-instance-key-pair.pem /c/Users/YourFolderPath/

To find more information here:

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Bash (npm install) - Couldn't install optional dependency: Unsupported

If you are tyring to install any NPM packages, but stuck in the middle facing below issue:
"Couldn't install optional dependency: Unsupported"

npm WARN install Couldn't install optional dependency: Unsupported

> bufferutil@1.2.1 install C:\xampp\htdocs\myProject\node_modules\bufferutil
> node-gyp rebuild

C:\xampp\htdocs\wandle\node_modules\bufferutil>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild )  else (node  rebuild )
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable.
gyp ERR! stack     at failNoPython (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:116:14)
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:71:11
gyp ERR! stack     at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
gyp ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd C:\xampp\htdocs\myProject\node_modules\bufferutil
gyp ERR! node -v v5.1.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.0.3
gyp ERR! not ok
npm WARN install:bufferutil@1.2.1 bufferutil@1.2.1 install: `node-gyp rebuild`
npm WARN install:bufferutil@1.2.1 Exit status 1

> utf-8-validate@1.2.1 install C:\xampp\htdocs\myProject\node_modules\utf-8-validate
> node-gyp rebuild

Please run the below command first and try to install again, it should be fine afterwards:
$ git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Building the Development Environment for Laravel

* Download and install the latest Composer

 Once installed, check the version by typing:
                $ composer -V

* Download and install the latest Laravel
$ composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

* Install the NodeJS (globally)
                Go to the NodeJS website and download the stable version.


                Direct Link:
                Then, Run the app with all default setting.
                And, Restart the machine.

                To check the NodeJs version:
                $ npm -v

* Download and install the latest Gulp (globally)
$ npm install -g gulp

Now, let’s install the Gulp into project dependency.

Create a package.json (if it is not already exist):
$ vi package.json 

* To install Bower
Bower is a command line utility. Install it with npm.
Bower requires node, npm and git.

$ npm install -g bower

To install Angular Material

                $ bower install  angular-material --save

(--save) will save the package on vendor directory.

Configure the GIT & Clone the GIT Repository in Windows 7

·         Firstly, install the GIT from here if you do not have already installed.
·         Next, we need to generate the SSH Keys before we configure for Git:
Open the Git Bash, and try the following command:
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa):

Either press Enter to generate it on the above default location or you can specify it after colon (: ) as per your preference -  eg. /c/Keys/.ssh/id_rsa
And, enter the Passphrase which will require for using git activities for authentication.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/username/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
d0:82:24:8e:d7:f1:bb:9b:33:53:96:93:49:da:9b:e3 username@mypc.local

To verify it, you can try typing below command:
$ cat /c/Users/username/ssh/

NrRFi9wrf+M7Q== username@mypc.local

Adding the SSH Keys to Git for Authentication
$ ssh-add /c/Users/ username/ssh/id_rsa

To check the ssh-agent:  
$ ssh-agent –s

To check the agent id:   
$ eval $(ssh-agent)

To check agent identitiy
$ ssh-add –l

To check the Tunnelling:
$ ssh -T OR your_git_repository_url
To clone the project from GIT Repository
$ git clone or your_git_repository_url

Eg. your_git_repository_url  =

Monday, 16 November 2015

Dell XPS L502X - Drivers for Windows 7 (64bit)

Dell XPS L502X Drivers - For Windows 7 (64bit)
XPS 15 (L502X, Early 2011)
Realtek ALC665 Audio Driver
File Name: R300326.exe | File Size: (106 MB)
File Version:,A04

Renesas USB3.0 Host Controller Driver
File Name: USB3_Renesas_W7_A03_Setup-61X2W_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (8 MB)
File Version:,A03

Intel HM67 Chipset Driver 
File Name: R289307.exe | File Size:  (3 MB)
File Version:,A00

Intel Management Engine Interface Driver 
File Name: R292317.exe | File Size:  (6 MB)
File Version:,A01

Renesas USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver
File Name: R290515.exe | File Size:  (7 MB)
File Version:,A01

Jmicron JMB389 Card Reader Driver
File Name: R292780.exe | File Size:  (1 MB)
File Version:,A01

Dell KM713 Wireless Keyboard Caps Lock Indicator and Eject Key Application
File Name: APP_IO_WXP_VSTA_W7_A02_Setup-7W7T4_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (2 MB)
File Version:,A02-00

N-Trig Multi-Touch HID Device Driver 
File Name: R292781.exe | File Size:  (76 MB)
File Version: 4.6.1100.4,A01

Dell Touchpad Driver 
File Name: R293038.exe | File Size:  (37 MB)
File Version:,A00

Logitech Bluetooth Travel Mouse Application 
File Name: | File Size:  (137 MB)
File Version: SP_4_80_B103,A02-00

Logitech Wireless Desktop Keyboard & Mouse Application 
File Name: | File Size:  (2 MB)
File Version: 4.0,A00-00

Quanta H.264 Integrate Webcam Driver 
File Name: R277344.exe | File Size:  (2 MB)
File Version: 1.0.1404.1005,A00

Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030/Advanced-N 6230 Driver
File Name: Network_Intel_WLAN_W784_A02_Setup-37PPD_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (90 MB)
File Version:,A02

Realtek RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet Controller Driver 
File Name: LOM_Realtek_W7_A03_Setup-X4R87_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (6 MB)
File Version: 7.048.0823.2011,A03

Intel Centrino Wireless-N1030, 6230 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Application 
File Name: 0PDK4_A03_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (36 MB)
File Version:,A03

Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300, Advanced-N 6200/6230 and Wireless-N 1000/1030 Driver 
File Name: R314406.exe | File Size:  (55 MB)
File Version:,A05 

Intel PROSet/Wireless Bluetooth Software, 6230 Bluetooth3.0 + HS Application
File Name: R314408.exe | File Size:  (40 MB)
File Version:,A03 

Realtek RTL8111DL Ethernet Controller, RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet Controller, RTL8111EL Driver
File Name: R302137.exe | File Size:  (6 MB)
File Version: 7.041.0216.2011,A02

Intel WiMax Link 6150 Driver 
File Name: R291975.exe | File Size:  (11 MB)
File Version: tic:TRWXW0416D,A00

Intel® WiFi Link 6150/6250/6300 Driver 
File Name: R293527.exe | File Size:  (56 MB)
File Version: tic: HOWFW0394D,A01

Intel® WiFi Link 6250/6150 Driver 
File Name: R289422.exe | File Size:  (49 MB)
File Version: tic: HOWFW0357D,A00

nVIDIA GeForce GT 525M/GT540M Graphics Driver
File Name: Video_Nvidia_W74_A09_Setup_RRN66_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (198 MB)
File Version:,A09

Intel Wireless Display Connection Manager Application 
File Name: R308016.exe | File Size:  (133 MB)
File Version:,A01

nVIDIA Geforce GT 435M/420M/445M/525M/540M N12E-GE-B(LP)-GT 550M/555M Stereoscopic 3D USB Controller Driver 
File Name: R305946.exe | File Size:  (156 MB)
File Version:,A08

Intel HD 3000/2000 Graphics Driver 
File Name: R302134.exe | File Size:  (81 MB)
File Version:,A06

AVerMedia H339 Hybrid Analog/ATSC Driver
File Name: R283293.exe | File Size:  (6 MB)
File Version: 2.2.x.69,A01

AVerMedia H339 Hybrid Analog/DVB-T Driver
File Name: R272839.exe | File Size:  (3 MB)
File Version: 2.2.x.64,A00

Dell XPS L502X Drivers For Windows 8 (64bit)
Intel HM67 Chipset Driver
File Name: Chipset_Intel_W8_A00_Setup-0D9RJ_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (3 MB)
File Version:,A00

Intel Management Engine Interface Driver
File Name: Chipset_Intel_W7_A01_Setup-46R6G_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (6 MB)
File Version:,A01

JMicron JMB389 Card Reader Driver
File Name: CardReader_JMicron_W7_A01_TKH3F_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (1 MB)
File Version:,A01

Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth Adapter, Advanced-N 6230 Bluetooth v3.0 + HS Application 
File Name: Network_Intel_BT_W84_A00_Setup-705KJ_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (34 MB)
File Version:,A00

Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030/Advanced-N 6230 Driver
File Name: Network_Intel_WLAN_W784_A02_Setup-37PPD_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (90 MB)
File Version:,A02

Intel 6150 WiMAX Driver 
File Name: Intel6150_WIMAX_FICI_DRVR_W864_A00_K47JW_setup_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (10 MB)
File Version: 7.5.1007,A00 

Intel(R) 6150 module WiFi Driver 
File Name: Intel6150_WIFI_CiAppW864_A00_0H85F_setup_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (85 MB)
File Version:,A00

Intel HD 2000/3000 Graphics Driver
File Name: Video_Intel_W84_A00_Setup-V74D3_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (147 MB)
File Version:,A00

nVIDIA Geforce GT5xxM, GT6xxM Family Graphics Driver 
File Name: Video_NV_W84_A01_Setup_72CH3_ZPE.exe | File Size:  (209 MB)
File Version: A01,A01