In latest version of Joomla (3.3.6+), if you are looking to find a way out to add new menu/navigation on the left sidebar list within Administrative view (of your custom component or existing component), please follow as below;
In fact, you can do from two places based on your requirement.
In fact, you can do from two places based on your requirement.
- First, if you just need to show under one particular submenu link, then please add on administrator/components/com_yourcomponent/views/photos/view.html.php, within the display() function. But, make sure you are calling the addEntry() function before the JHTMLSidebar::render().
// To fine all the entries currently exist on the Submenu List $menu_entries = JHtmlSidebar::getEntries();*/ //print_r($menu_entries); // To add new menu item to submenu on the Left Sidebar JHtmlSidebar::addEntry('Configuration', 'index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&view=photos&layout=configuration'); // NameOfMenu, URL_Of_The_Menu JHtmlSidebar::addEntry('Export', 'index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&view=photos&layout=export'); // Show sidebar $this->sidebar = JHtmlSidebar::render();
- Or you can directly add within the administrator/components/com_yourcomponent/yourcomponent.php file as below;
// import joomla controller library jimport('joomla.application.component.controller'); // To add new menu item to submenu on the Left Sidebar JHtmlSidebar::addEntry('Configuration', 'your_url'); JHtmlSidebar::addEntry('Export', 'your_url');