To add or enable the Pop UP feature in Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 for Images and Videos;
Please follow the following steps;
And, To add the Pop-UP for Videos, please download the Rokbox joomla plugin and install it. And, to use it, please follow the below example.
- Login into Joomla/Administrator
- Go to Template Manager
- Click on Templates
- Click on [Template Name] Details and Files link of your template in the Templates List.
- Click on the Edit main page template link of the Template Master Files.
- And, add the below code on the top of the file and Save it.
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' ); // Add the below code underneath the above line. JHtml::_('behavior.modal');Once you have done with above steps, to use of POP-UP function; Just add the class="model" in the anchor tag
And, To add the Pop-UP for Videos, please download the Rokbox joomla plugin and install it. And, to use it, please follow the below example.
Click to Play Video